7MC 12"

(scrap wood, electric motor casing & coils, makeup compact, stereo knobs, copper tubing, resistors, transistors, plastic gears, etc.)

Welcome to Andyman's Used Bot Lot, where one man's bucket of bolts is our bucket of cash. Today we feature a classic from the

Royal Space Empire's Dreadnought series, 7MC. Must be at least 6 others I don't know. I had Marvin cleaning him up the other day

when he accidentally hit an activation switch and "FOOM!", HOLY COW A FRIGGIN' ION PULSE CANNON BURST OUT OF IT'S CHEST! Fortunately, it's power cells were empty or we would be looking for a new executive office trailer (along with 4 blocks

of anything behind it). Minimal wear and tear with a bit of rust, this bad boy is a must have for any private security firm

or fathers looking for a door greeter for potential dates for his teen daughters.

Includes custom artwork box
(no active electronics)