Electro Rover  6"H x 6"L (motor assembly and other parts from sewing machine, printer parts, typewriter bell, etc.)

The Electro Rover series from the K-9 Robotics Puppy Mill, was a very popular model back in the day. Unfortunately, the standard issue Johnson II Gas Turbine Engine tended to suck in the hair of unsuspecting little girls and jam it all up to kingdom come. Later models came with shower caps for unsuspecting little girls. This Electro Rover looks to have been recently restored meaning NO RUST! Although you can manually turn the turbine engine by hand, it doesn't appear to run on it's own. It's gotta go because the waggly tail is driving me crazy. It's like it is trying to hypnotize me or something. Also, we're out of robot doggy treats for some reason.

Includes custom artwork box
(no active electronics)

Electro Rover